Diadema tetramerum Shoemaker & C.E. Babc., Can. J. Bot. 67 (5): 1354 (1989). Fig.72
MycoBank number: MB 136222; Index Fungorum number: IF 136222; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08209.
Description – see Ariyawansa et al. (2014a).
Material examined – USA, California, Mt. Shasta, ridge south of Horse Camp, elevation 8250 ft, on culms of Trisetum spicatum, 2 July 1947, W.B. Cooke (DAOM 20223, holotype).
Figure 72 – Diadema tetramerum (DAOM 20223, holotype). a Appearance of immersed ascomata on host substrate. b Cross section of ascoma. c Closeup of the peridium. d Pseudoparaphyses. e, h Asci. f, g Ascospores with mucilaginous sheath. Scale bars: b = 100 μm, c = 10 μm, d, f, g = 5 μm, e, h = 20 μm.