Cyptotrama asprata (Berk.) Redhead & Ginns, Canadian Journal of Botany 58 (6): 731 (1980)
Facesoffungi number: FoF 3140
Pileus 1–5 cm in diam., convex, hemispherical to applanate, whitish, cream to yellow, densely covered by orange, golden yellow coloured squamules, becoming whitish-yellow when mature. Lamellae adnate to slightly decurrent, height up to 5 mm, distant, white to cream, with lamellulae. Stipe 1–6 cm in length, 0.1–0.6 cm in diam., floccose, cylindrical or enlarged at base, fistulose, concolorous with pileus. Context thin, white. Odour indistinct. Basidiospores (7–11 × 4.5–8.5 µm, Q=1.2–1.9 µm, Qm = 1.4), non-amyloid, non-dextrinoid, thin-walled, smooth, ellipsoid-limoniform to broadly ellipsoid, colourless and hyaline. Basidia 4-spored, 35–60 × 6–8 µm, clavate, colourless or hyaline; sterigmata 4–6 µm long. Basidioles abundant, 40–60 × 4–8 µm, fusiform with subacute apices, thin walled, colourless. Cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia present and similar in size and form, scattered, 50–90 × 8–17 µm, fusiform with acute to subacute apices, thin-to slightly thick-walled, colourless or hyaline. Pileocystidia absent. Squamules on pileus composed of inflated chained, narrowly clavate, cylindrical to fusiform cells, 18–65 × 3–16 µm, thick-walled, golden yellow to brownish-yellow. Pileipellis under squamules an epithelium, composed of 1–4 layers, broadly ellipsoid, subglobose to obovoid cells, 24–40 × 12–28 µm, thin to somewhat thick walled, nearly colourless. Squamules on stipe composed of interwoven, filamentous to narrowly cylindrical hyphae 2–5 µm wide, thin walled, colourless to yellowish, hyaline, with few terminal cells, 25–40 × 5–10 µm, slightly thick walled. Stipitipellis composed of vertically arranged, colourless to yellowish filamentous hyphae, 3–10 µm in diam. Stipe trama composed of vertically arranged, colourless or hyaline hyphae, 3–16 µm in diam. Clamp connections abundant.
Habit, habitat and distribution: solitary on a dead wood, widely distributed in tropical, subtropical or even temperate regions of many parts of the world, May to September. Our collection was collected on a decaying wood near Doi Suthep Pui national park, Chiang Mai.
Specimens examined: THAILAND, Chiang Mai Province, Doi Suthep Pui national park, 30 July 2012, Samantha C. Karunarathna (MFLU 12-1892, new record). GenBank number ITS:KY649460.
Notes: Cyptotrama asprata was first described from Sri Lanka. It is widely distributed in South and Southeast Asia (Sri Lanka and Laos), East Asia (China, Japan and Korea), New Zealand, Hawaii, and Central America (Martinique and France) (Berkeley 1847; Redhead and Ginns 1980; Yang 1990; Moreau et al. 2015; Qin and Yang 2016). Cyptotrama chrysopepla morphologically resembles to C. asprata because of its’ gold yellow and scruffy appearance, but differs by having smaller squamules, hymeniderm pileipellis, thick walled elements in squamules of stipe, the non-acute subcapitate pleurocystidia and larger basidiospores (8.5–13 × 6.5–10 µm). This is the first report of C. asprata with the molecular phylogenetic confirmation from Thailand.