Cryptovalsa Ces. & De Not., Jb. nassau. Ver. Naturk. 23-24: 212 (1870)

MycoBank number: MB 1340; Index Fungorum number: IF 1340; Facesoffungi number: FoF 13137; 29 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 4 species with sequence data.

Type speciesCryptovalsa protracta (Pers.) De Not.

NotesCryptovalsa was established by Cesati & De Notaris to accommodate C. protracta, C. ampelina, C. nitschkei and C. effusa. The genus is characterised by eutypoid stromata that are rather variable, when erumpent separately diatrypelloid, often immersed in wood, but sometimes invading bark tissues. Asci are cylindrical or clavate, polysporous, with short or long pedicels. Ascospores are crowded, allantoid and yellowish (Spooner 1981, Vasilyeva & Stephenson 2005).
