Cronartium qinlingense P. Zhao & L. Cai, sp. nov.,

MycoBank number: MB 842423; Index Fungorum number: IF 842423; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12572;


Spermogonia, aecia and uredinia not found. Telia hypophyllous, in a filamentous column, 0.40–2.5 mm long, brown, straight, or ellipsoid, curved, cross-section of telia with 3–5 teliospores, teliospores elongated or fusiform, 18–44 × 8–23 µm, walls almost hyaline, smooth, 0.3–2.0 µm.

Material examined: China, Shaanxi, Foping, Qinling Mountains, III on Q. aliena, 26 Sept 1991, J.Y. Zhuang & S.X. Wei, HMAS74356 (holotype); China, Shaanxi, Foping, Qinling Mountains, III on Q. aliena, 1 Aug 1976, J.Y. Zhuang & S.X. Wei, HMAS4538; China, Shaanxi, Ningshan, Qinling Mountains, III on Q. aliena, 1 Aug 1976, T.Y. Zhang, HMAS56423; China, Shaanxi, Ningshan, Qinling Mountains, III on Q. aliena var. acuteserrata, 1 Aug 1976, T.Y. Zhang, HMAS20356.

Distribution: China.

Sequence data: SSU: OM746026; ITS: OM746454; LSU: OM746620; CO3: OM721449 (holotype).

Notes: Cronartium qinlingense is phylogenetically close to C. flaccidum and C. fusiforme. Morphologically, it can be distinguished from C. flaccidum and C. fusiforme by the number of teliospores in a cross-section of the telia and the dimension of teliospores. Previously, C. quercuum and C. orientale were reported on Q. aliena, but C. qinlingense differs from C. quercuum in the number of teliospores in cross-section of telia (3–5 vs 7–10), and from C. orientale in the dimension of teliospores (18–44 × 8–23 µm vs 31–59 × 13–22 µm), color and wall thickness of teliospores.

Fig. 6. Cronartium qinlingense (holotype). a. Label of holotype specimen; b. Hypophyllous telia on Q. aliena; c. Hair-like telia; d. Section of a telium observed by LM; e. Telia observed by SEM. Scale bars: c = 500 µm; d = 20 µm; e = 100 µm.