Coprinus sterquilinus (Fr.) Fr., Epicrisis Systematis Mycologici: 242 (1838) Fig.2
MycoBank number: MB 160771; Index Fungorum number: IF 160771; Facesoffungi number: FoF 10767;
Basionym: Agaricus sterquilinus Fr., Systema Mycologicum 1: 308 (1821)
Synonym: Onchopus sterquilinus (Fr.) P. Karst., Bidrag till Kännedom av Finlands Natur och Folk 32: 527 (1879)
Pileus 2.0 – 8.0 cm in diameter, white with soon blackening gills, at first sub-globose to ovoid, later broadly conical to campanulate, finally revolute at margins, pileus and appendiculate margins, cap covered with small white, fibrillose scales remnants of the universal veil. Stipe length 3.0– 7.0cm × 0.2– 1.6 cm in diameter, equal ,easily separable from the pileus, cylindric with napiform base, hollow, white, shining , glabrous, fibrous. Lamellae white, free, crowded, at first pinkish- grey, soon black and deliquescent. Spores 16.0 – 21.0 × 12.0 –14.0µm, black, broadly ellipsoid, sometimes depressed on the adaxial side, with a complex wall and an apical germ pore. Basidia 4-spored, swollen, clavate to cylindric in shape.
Ecology and distribution
Specimens Examined – JNV/Mycl/ 1023/2018 by Reenu Chouhan, 24°53’18.17″N72°50’52.58″E Sirohi, elevation: 321 m (1,053 ft), Mount Abu 72.7083°E 24.5925°N, Arbuda Devi temple 24.60107°N72.71217°E.
Note –
Fig.2( a)Habit of Coprinus sterquilinus on manured soil amongst grass(b)Spores Scale bar =10 µm