Chordomyces Bilanenko, Georgieva & Grum-Grzhim., Fungal Divers. 71(1): 29 (2015)

MycoBank number: MB 811265; Index Fungorum number: IF 811265; Facesoffungi number: FoF 13530; 2 species with sequence data.

Type speciesChordomyces antarcticus Bilanenko, Georgieva & Grum-Grzhim.

Notes – Grum-Grzhimaylo et al. (2016) introduced Chordomyces based on the phylogenetic analyses of a combine ITS and LSU dataset for 12 alkaliphilic isolates. Two species, Chordomyces antarcticum and C. albus were introduced in the genus (Grum-Grzhimaylo et al. 2016, Giraldo et al. 2017b). Chordomyces is characterized by erect conidiophores, solitary or forming in synnemata. Conidiogenous cells are enteroblastic, mono- or polyphialidic, tapering towards the apex and often proliferating sympodially. Conidia are subglobose, limoniform, ellipsoidal to cylindrical, rounded at the apex, sometimes with protuberant hilum and1(‒2)-celled (Giraldo et al. 2017b).


  • Chordomyces antarcticus