Chlorostroma A.N. Mill., Lar.N. Vassiljeva & J.D. Rogers, Sydowia 59(1): 142 (2007)
Index Fungorum number:IF 29126; MycoBank number: MB 29126; Facesoffungi number: FoF 02986; 3 morphological species (Daranagama et al. 2018).
Type species – Chlorostroma subcubisporum A.N. Mill., Lar.N. Vassiljeva & J.D. Rogers
Notes – Chlorostroma has character of green stromata, J-, ascal apical ring and more or less cubical ascospores. All the species have been described based on stromata of Hypoxylon (Miller et al. 2007, Nordén et al. 2014). Læssøe et al. (2010) and Wendt et al. (2018) placed Chlorostroma in Hypoxylaceae based on highly similar secondary metabolite profiles to Hypoxylon aeruginosum.