Cheilymenia vitellina (Pers.) Dennis, British Cup Fungi & their Allies: 27 (1960) FIGURE 6
MycoBank number: MB 328161; Index Fungorum number: IF 328161; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12596;
Saprobic on soil. Sexual morph: Apothecia up to 8 mm broad, 2−3 mm high, solitary, sessile, villose. Receptacle shallowly discoid to cupulate, receptacle surface concolorous with the hymenium, sparsely covered setaceous hairs, margin conspicuous, entire, sometimes involute, with abundant setae. Hymenium bright orange, nearly smooth. Ectal excipulum 95−215 µm, composed of textura angularis to textura globulosa, 22−36 × 18−29 μm cells, pale brown or yellow to yellowish, with up to 550 μm long, up to 35 μm broad hairs at the base, pale brown, septate, with obtuse end, simple or sometimes branched once. Medullary excipulum 100−190 μm, composed of textura intricata, 4−7 µm broad hyaline hyphae. Paraphyses 3−5 µm broad, with pale brown to yellow pigmented, filiform, exceeding the asci slightly, apex enlarged slightly, 4−5.5 µm broad. Asci 175−200 × 10−13 μm, 8-spored, cylindrical, operculate, inamyloid. Ascospores [20/1/1, in H2O] (16.0−) 16.1−17.5 (−18.8) × (7.0−) 8.0−9.2 (−9.4) μm (Q = 1.76−2.32, Q = 1.96±0.12), ellipsoid, uniseriate, equilateral, rounded at the ends, refractive, smooth, containing 1−2 de Bary bubbles. Asexual morph: Unknown.
FIGURE 6. Cheilymenia vitellina. a–d Typic mature specimens. e Ectal excipulum. f Setaceous hair. g Asci and paraphyses. h–j Asci (j Ascus in Cotton blue.). k Apex of ascus in Cotton blue. l–o Ascospores. Scale bars: e, g–j = 50 μm. f = 100 μm. k–o = 10 μm.