Chamaeascus L. Holm, K. Holm & M.E. Barr, Blyttia 51(3-4): 121 (1993)
MycoBank number: MB 26460; Index Fungorum number: IF 26460; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06445; 1 morphological species.
Type species – Chamaeascus arcticus L. Holm, K. Holm & M.E. Barr
Notes – The species is a saprobe on dried leaves of Carex (Cyperaceae) found in Norway. Chamaeascus has solitary, immersed ascomata without papilla, which are darker around the pore, ellipsoidal asci without an apical ring and bacilliform to lunate, 1-celled ascospores, with obtuse or slightly pointed ends (Wang & Hyde 1999).