Seriascoma didymospora – Facesoffungi number: FoF 01979
Seriascoma didymospora S.C.Karunarathana & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov. Index Fungorum number: IF628056 Etymology: The epithet didymospora^ refers to the ascospores having two cells. Holotype: MFLU 11–0215 Saprobic on bamboo culms. Sexual morph: Ascostromata 150–320 μm high, 1000–1900 μm diam., gregarious, clustered, immersed beneath clypeus, coriaceous, raised, erumpent in linear rows, with slit-like opening, multi-loculate, ostiolate. Locules 120–230 μm high, 180–300 μm diam., [...]