Cambaraspora floridanus n. gen. n. sp. Bojko et al.
MycoBank number: MB 636242; Index Fungorum number: IF 636242; Facesoffungi number: FoF
Species description: This species infects the muscle tissue of Procambarus sp. and Cambarellus sp. and undergoes merogony and sporogony in a sporophorous vesicle. The spores are diplokaryotic and include 19–21 coils of the polar filament. The polaroplast is bi-laminar, with an electron dense upper layer and electron lucent lower layer. The spores are cucumiform in shape and measure 6.136 ± 0.84 µm (SD) in length and 2.12 ± 0.23 µm (SD) in width. Development of the polaroplast occurs first, followed by rough endoplasmic reticulum, polar filament, and polar vacuole. Multiple developing life stages are evident in a single sporophorous vesicle.
Type host: Procambarus paeninsulanus
Type locality: Wacissa River (N30.32742, W-83.98494), Jefferson County, Florida, USA.
Site of infection: This species infects the muscle tissue of the host.
Etymology: The genus is named for the two host genera (Cambarellus and Procambarus) in which this novel species was found to infect, and the species was named for the locality of the host and the parasite.
Type material: Original material is stored at the University of Florida, Behringer Laboratory.