Budhanggurabania P. Wong, Khemmuk & R.G. Shivas, Persoonia, Mol. Phyl. Evol. Fungi 34: 241 (2015)

MycoBank number: MB 811696; Index Fungorum number: IF 811696; Facesoffungi number: FoF 10229; 1 species with sequence data.

Type speciesBudhanggurabania cynodonticola P. Wong, Khemmuk & R.G. Shivas

NotesBudhanggurabania cynodonticola was introduced from diseased roots and stolons of Cynodon in New South Wales, Queensland and the Northern Territory, Australia (Crous et al. 2015c, Wong et al. 2015). Sexual morphs of Budhanggurabania are characterized by ellipsoidal ascospores, 3-dark brown septa, brown in central cells, hyaline to pale brown in apical cells, with oblique striations in lateral view (Crous et al. 2015c). Hyphomycetous asexual morphs are characterized by hyaline conidiophores, phialidic conidiogenous cells, straight to slightly curved, and conidia that are hyaline, cylindrical or slightly curved, aseptate and aggregated in slimy heads (Crous et al. 2015c).

Figure 156 Budhanggurabania cynodonticola (Material examined – AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, from rotted roots of Cynodon dactylon, April 2012, Wong P.T.W., BRIP 59305 a, holotype) a Herbarium packet. b, c Colonies on PDA (b-from above, c-from below). d, e Colonies and mycelium on PDA. f-i Conidia with slimy heads (from slides). j Ascomata. k Asci with ascospores. l Ascospores. Scale bars: f-i = 20 µm, j = 100 µm, k, l = 10 µm.


  • Budhanggurabania cynodonticola