Bryopistillaria Olariaga, Huhtinen, Læssøe, J.H. Petersen & K. Hansen, gen. nov.

Index Fungorum number: MB831377; Facesoffungi number: FoF

Etymology: From ancient Greek (“bryon”, moss), referring to its habitat on bryophytes, and from Pistillaria, referring to its simi- larity with several species placed in that genus.

Biotrophic on mosses, and maybe in addition saprobic on dead leaves and culms. Basidiomata gregarious or fasciculate (2 – 5 basidiomata), simple clavarioid, 0.6 – 1 mm high, initially lance- olate and with sterile apex, then cylindrical or claviform, with rounded fertile apex, white. Stipe short or absent, cylindrical, glabrous or pubescent. Hyphal system monomitic. Basidiospores without iodine reactions, smooth. Basidia claviform, 16– 21 μm long. Medulla hyphae parallel-arranged, cylindrical, septate, thin- walled, 3– 4 μm broad, without iodine reactions. Clamp con- nections absent.

Type: Bryopistillaria sagittiformis (Pat.) Olariaga, Huhtinen, Læssøe, J.H. Petersen & K. Hansen