Brocchiosphaera K. Yamag., Chuaseehar. & Nakagiri,
MycoBank number: MB 824167; Index Fungorum number: IF 824167; Facesoffungi number: FoF14533;
Position in classification: Order Pisorisporiales, Family incertae sedis. Conidial characteristics of this new genus are different from those Candelabrum sensu stricto, here synonymized in Hyaloscypha, because of its orange conidia and no basal plate in conidium, which composed of dichotomously or trichotomously branched cells.
Etymology: Brocchus, from the bud-like conidium. Sphaero, from the globose-shaped conidium.
Mycelium immersed, branched, septate, hyaline. Conidiophores macro- to semi-acronematous, mononematous, unbranched, hyaline and arising from repent hyphae. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic, terminal. Conidia solitary, acrogenous, composed of dichotomous or trichotomous branches, terminating cells are ornamented with minute tubercles, developing into a globose or subglobose propagule, hyaline to orange conidia, floating on the surface of water.
Type species: Brocchiosphaera brocchiata