Brevicollum hyalosporum Kaz. Tanaka & Toy. Sato, Mycologia 109: 4 (2017). Fig. 113
MycoBank number: MB 821756; Index Fungorum number: IF 821756; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06620.
Saprobic on Morinda citrifolia twig. Sexual morph: Ascomata 140–220 × 280–360 µm (x̅ = 194 × 323, n = 5), perithecial, scattered, immersed in bark, erumpent with ostiolar neck, globose to depressed globose, eccentric periphyses neck 148–159 × 94–110 µm, compressed at basal to broad apical region, Peridium 37–87 µm wide Hamathecium comprising 1.8–2 µm wide, septate, branched, anastomosing, pesudoparaphyses. Asci 112–156.6(162.0) × (22.0) 23.1–32.3 (32.7) (x̅ =131.3 × 27.3, n = 25) bitunicate, clavate, apically broadly rounded, basally narrow, short pedicellate. Ascospores (32.3)32.9–40.0(40.4) × (9.1)10.1–12.9(13.1) (x̅ = 36.2 × 11.4, n = 28), 2- seriate except at the base, fusoid, hyaline to pale grey colored, 1-septate, constricted at the septum, mature spores becoming 3–5 septate with central constricted septa, guttulate, thick sheath, 2 µm wide, surrounded ascospores. Asexual morph: undetermined.
Material examined – India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Port Blair, NIOT Coco plantation, on Morinda citrifolia, (11˚38’38.7”N 92˚42’18.3”E) 9 December, 2017, identified by Niranjan.M. (NFCC culture number: 4376, new host record and new country record).
Distributions – Syzygium samarangense, Japan, Morinda citrifolia India, Hevea brasiliensis Thailand.
Notes – Brevicollum is characterized by immersed ascomata with short ostiolar necks, a thin ascomatal wall, clavate asci with a shallow ocular chamber and broadly fusiform, 3–5-septate ascospores. Two species have been reported, B. hyalosporum and B. versicolor. Phylogenetic tree based on combined LSU, rpb-2, SSU and tef1 sequence data indicates that our strain (NFCCI 4376) clusters with other strains of B. hyalosporum (100 % MLBS, 1.0 PP, Fig. 42). The variations in the measurements of Brevicollum species are provided in Table 1.
Table 1 – List of Brevicollum species variations in the measurements.
Fungi | Ascomata (μm) | Asci (μm) | Ascospores (μm) | No. of septa |
B. hyalosporum
(Japan) |
300–350 × 200–380 | 122–138 × 21.5–27 | (28–) 30.5–38 (–41.5) × 8–12.5 | 5-septate, sheath sharply delimited |
B. hyalosporum
(India) |
141–214 × 279 –358 | (111.8)112–156.6 (162.0) × (22.0)23.1– 32.3(32.7) | (32.3) 32.9–40.0 (40.4) × 1.9 (9.1) 10.1–12.9 (13.1) | 3–5 septate, thick sheath 2 μm wide. |
B. hyalosporum
(Thailand) |
200–300 × 100–250 | (90–)92–120(–155) × 17–22(–25) | (23–) 29–43(–44) × (3–) 7–12 (–13) | 3–5-septate, mucilaginous sheath |
B. versicolor
320–430 × 250–350 | 110–160 × 20–27 | 26–40 × (7.5–)9–14 | (3–)5-septate, sheath 3–
4 μm wide |
Figure 113 – Brevicollum hyalosporum (PUFNI 17628). a Ascomata on host twig. b, c Ascoma and neck. d Pseudoparaphyses. e–g Asci h, i Culture on media. j–o Ascospores. Scale bars: b = 200 µm, c, g = 50 µm, d, f = 20 µm, e, j–o = 10 µm.
Figure 42 – Phylogram generated from maximum likelihood analysis (RAxML) of Pleosporales based on ITS, LSU, rpb-2, SSU and tef1 sequence data. Maximum likelihood bootstrap values equal or above 70 % are given at the nodes. An original isolate number is noted after the species name. The tree is rooted to Capnodium coffeae (CBS 147.52). The ex-type strains are indicated in bold.
Figure 42 – Continued.
Figure 42 – Continued.
Figure 42 – Continued.
Figure 42 – Continued.
Figure 42 – Continued.