Atkinsonella Diehl, Agriculture Monogr., US Dept Agric. 4: 48 (1950)
MycoBank number: MB 449; Index Fungorum number: IF 449; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12969; 2 species with sequence data.
Type species – Atkinsonella hypoxylon (Peck) Diehl
Notes – This grass pathogen was separated from Epichloe based on morphology, producing both micro- and macroconidia (Diehl 1950) and is characterised by stromata immersed and cylindrical spores (Ambrose et al. 2014). The asexual morph is acremonium-like (Ginns 2011). In this entry, Atkinsonella hypoxylon is illustrated. Atkinsonella hypoxylon was described as Epichloe hypoxylon from infected grass (Peck 1875). Diehl (1950) transferred it to Atkinsonella hypoxylon based on morphology. Ginns (2011) accepted Balansia hypoxylon as the correct name but this was not confirmed by Ambrose et al. (2014). The specimen (DAOM 211269) was identified as Balansia hypoxylon because of its perithecia and mature ascospores (Fig. 71, Ginns 2011).
Figure 71 – Atkinsonella hypoxylon (Material examined – Canada, on living and dead stems of current year’s growth of Danthonia spicata, 9 October 1983, J. Ginns, DAOM 211269). a Herbarium material. b-d Overview of the stromata and host. e Vertical section of the ascomata. f Stromata. g-i Immature to mature asci. j, k Secondly ascospores. Scale bars: c, d = 1 mm, e, f = 500 µm, g-i = 50 µm, j, k = 20 µm.