Arxotrichum A. Nováková & M. Kolařík, Persoonia 40: 259 (2018)

Index Fungorum number: IF 824080; MycoBank number: MB 824080Facesoffungi number: FoF 13033; 2 species with sequence data.

Type speciesArxotrichum wyomingense A. Nováková & M. Kolařík

NotesArxotrichum was established by Crous et al. (2018d) for A. wyomingense which was isolated from soil, based on the analysis of LSU sequence data. Ascomata, if present, are pale ochraceous to olivaceous grey, superficial, sphaerical to ovate and ostiolate with numerous flexuous, undulate or spirally coiled, verrucose to echinulate, septate, pale ochraceous or brown hairs. Asci are obovate-clavate and evanescent with short pedicels, and ascospores are ellipsoidal- fusoid to brown, with distinct apical germ pores. The asexual morph has septate conidiophores with basal yellowish brown and apically colourless, ramified, racemose branched stipes and solitary, aseptate, subglobose conidia that are rough-walled to rugose (Crous et al. 2018d).


  • Arxotrichum wyomingense