Arwidssonia B. Erikss., Svensk bot. Tidskr. 68: 199 (1974)
MycoBank number: MB 340; Index Fungorum number: IF 340; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06187; 2 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020).
Type species – Arwidssonia empetri (Rehm) B. Erikss.
Notes – Arwidssonia has immersed ascomata opening by 3–5 lobes, cylindrical to slightly saccate asci, with J+, apical rings and hyaline, (1–)3(–5)-septate ascospores (Wang & Hyde 1999). In this study, we examined the holotype of Arwidssonia empetri and accept it in Hyponectriaceae based on its morphology (Barr 1990b, Wang & Hyde 1999, Maharachchikumbura et al. 2016b, Wijayawardene et al. 2018a).

Figure 123 – Arwidssonia empetri (Material examined – NORWAY: Hedmark: 50 km W of Tynset: Tatasjöhöi; on dead attached leaves of Empetrum nigrum, 23 August 1985, P.F. Cannon, IMI 312725, holotype). a Material label. b Specimen. c, d Ascomata on the upper leaf surface. e Close up of ascomata. f Section of ascoma. g Paraphyses. h Peridium. i J+, reaction of apical ascal ring stained with Melzer’s reagent. j-m Asci. n-s Ascospores. Scale bars: e = 1000 µm, d = 500 μm, e = 200 μm, f = 50 μm, g-h, j-s =10 μm, i-m = 20 μm.