Arecomyces K.D. Hyde, Sydowia 48(2): 227 (1996)
MycoBank number: MB 27749; Index Fungorum number: IF 27749; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06443; 10 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020).
Type species – Arecomyces frondicola K.D. Hyde
Notes – Most species of Arecomyces are found on palms (Arecaceae, Hyde 1996a, Hyde & Fröhlich 2003, Vitoria et al. 2011). The genus has been reported from Australia, Brazil, Brunei, and Ecuador (Hyde 1996a, Hyde & Fröhlich 2003, Vitoria et al. 2011). Arecomyces is characterised by solitary or gregarious, immersed, raised darkened discs or minute black dots on the host surface, a pseudostroma, central ostioles, (2–-)4–8 spored, broadly cylindrical asci with J-, apical rings, and hyaline, ellipsoidal-fusiform or ovoid, unicellular ascospores surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath (Hyde 1996a, Vitoria et al. 2011).