Arcopilus X. Wei Wang, Samson & Crous, Stud. Mycol. 84: 159 (2016)

Index Fungorum number: IF 818835; MycoBank number: MB 818835Facesoffungi number: FoF 11721;  7 species with sequence data.

Type speciesArcopilus aureus (Chivers) X. Wei Wang & Samson

NotesArcopilus was established by Wang et al. (2016a) to accommodate A. aureus, A. cupreus, A. flavigenus, A. fusiformis and A. turgidopilosus, which were transferred from Chaetomium. Based on the unique phylogenetic and morphologic analyses, Raza et al. (2019) introduced A. globulus and A. tangerinicapillus, which were isolated from Saccharum officinarum. The genus is characterised by superficial, subglobose to ovate, ostiolate ascomata, with hairs at apical region which are arcuate, with apices incurved, circinate to coiled, at lateral sides flexuous or apically incurved. Asci are clavate and evanescent and ascospores brown, inequilateral, fusiform, navicular, reniform, lunate or limoniform with one or two apical germ pores.


  • Arcopilus aureus