Allelochaeta Petr., Sydowia 9(1-6): 464 (1955)

Index Fungorum number: IF 7095; MycoBank number: MB 7095Facesoffungi number: FoF 13569; 41 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 37 species with sequence data.

Type speciesAllelochaeta gaubae Petr.

NotesAllelochaeta was considered as a synonym of Diploceras, one of the five groups of fungi into which the Seimatosporium complex was split by Nag Raj (1993). Based on a multi-gene phylogenetic study using the type species, Crous et al. (2018a) resurrected Allelochaeta. Members of this genus are characterized by mostly 3-septate, hyaline or pigmented, concolourous or versicolourous conidia, having branched or solitary, cellular or continuous appendages (Crous et al. 2018a). Crous et al. (2018a) discussed the conidial septation, appendage types and pigmentation loss and gain during the evolution of Allelochaeta species.


  • Allelochaeta gaubae