Acrophialophora Edward, Mycologia 51(6): 784 (1961)

Index Fungorum number: IF 7037; MycoBank number: MB 7037Facesoffungi number: FoF 06539; 18 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 7 species with sequence data.

Type speciesAcrophialophora nainiana Edward

NotesAcrophialophora was reintroduced by Samson & Mahmood (1970) as a thermotolerant genus with A. fusispora, A. levis and A. nainiana. Based on a combined analysis of ITS, SSU and tub2 sequence data, Zhang et al. (2015a) showed that Acrophialophora is a monophyletic genus in Chaetomiaceae, and they synonymized Taifanglania under Acrophialophora. The genus is characterised by conidiophores that are absent or unbranched or sparingly branched conidiogenous cells that are monophialidic or polyphialidic with two necks, flask-shaped or in whorls in verticillate species. Conidia are unicellular, subglobose, elliptical to fusiform, echinulate, with spiral bands or smooth, in basipetal chains or slimy heads and with schizolytic secession (Zhang et al. 2015a). The sexual morphs are undetermined.


  • Acrophialophora nainiana