Acrocalymmaceae Crous & Trakun., IMA Fungus 5(2): 404 (2014).
MycoBank number: MB 810837; Index Fungorum number: IF 810837; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08135, 7 species.
Pathogens, saprobes. Sexual morph: Ascomata globose, with central beak ostiole, ostiole lined with periphyses; inner layer giving rise to hyaline, cellular pseudoparaphyses, septate, anastomosing. Asci cylindrical, sessile in rosette, 8-spored, bitunicate. Ascospores 2–3-seriate, narrowly fusoid, straight or slightly curved, at the beginning hyaline, 1-septate, with a mucoid sheath, becoming transversely 3-septate after discharge, constricted or not, pale brown. Asexual morph: Coelomycetous. Conidiomata pycnidial, papillate or rostrate, globose, dark brown or black, ostiolate. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells or a supporting cell. Conidiogenous cells ampulliform to doliiform or cylindrical, hyaline, smooth, percurrently proliferating at apex. Conidia hyaline, but becoming pigmented with age, 0–3-septate, continuous, smooth-walled, with mucoid apical and basal appendages.
Type – Acrocalymma Alcorn & J.A.G. Irwin.
Notes – Trakunyingcharoen et al. (2014) introduced Acrocalymmaceae to accommodate Acrocalymma. Liu et al. (2017a) accepted Acrocalymmaceae and provided additional evidence by using divergence times. The family comprises only one genus (Wijayawardene et al. 2017a).