Aciculosporium I. Miyake, Bot. Mag., Tokyo 22: (307) (1908)
MycoBank number: MB 41; Index Fungorum number: IF 41; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12970; 4 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 3 species with sequence data.
Type species – Aciculosporium take I. Miyake
Notes – This genus contains bamboo specific endophytic pathogens (Oguchi 2001, Tanaka et al. 2003). The species produce multi-septate ascospores with no obvious part spores (Oguchi 2001). Neoclaviceps and Cepsiclava were combined under Aciculosporium based on phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses (Píchová et al. 2018).